There was so much going on at the Steve Martin tribute dinner last Friday night (for the American Museum of the Moving Image) … Chevy Chase, wearing a baseball cap I guess to hide a receding hairline — this was a theme at his table, although Paul Simon finally removed his — talked about his current movie, Snow Day being a hit. "It's fine if you're six years old," he said with some bitterness, referring to the film's audience."Of course, it's commercial drivel."
And then there was Rick Moranis, who had a few biting remarks for Martin which did not get reported by press attendees. From the stage no less, to the audience: "Steve, there were those countless times you asked if I wanted to have sex with Victoria," referring to Martin's former wife and co-star Victoria Tennant.
If that weren't enough, during a long riff on what the letters
of his name stood for, Moranis, who always seemed like such a nice little
fellow, said: "V, is for vagina, which you think about too much." Must
have thought he was at a Friars Roast, huh?